Training course on radiological
safety for oil industry.
objective of this training course is to satisfy the requirements of basic and specific knowledge demanded by the Argentinean
Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN) to apply for individual licenses for
using sealed radiation sources in oil industry.
To whom it is addressed Engineers and technicians who want to get an individual license for using sealed radiation sources in the field of nuclear industrial gauges in oil industries or well logging tools. Language Spanish, English or French. Programme Basic concepts of nuclear physic Atomic structure. Radioactivity. Radioactive disintegration. Alpha, negative and positive beta disintegration. Electronic capture. Electromagnetic radiation emission. Radioactive decay. Activity. Energy. Half-life. Artificial and natural radioisotopes. Radiation interactions with the matter Charged particles. Electromagnetic radiation. Photoelectric effect. Compton effect. Pair formation. Linear and massic attenuation coefficients. Neutrons. Elastic and inelastic collisions. Detection and measurement of ionising radiations Measuring radioactivity. Beta and gamma detectors. Ionisation chambers. Geiger-Müller counters. Scintillation detectors. Liquid scintillation counters. Semiconductor detectors. F3B detectors. 3He detectors. Film and TLD monitors. Dosimetry Biological effects of radiations. Dose. Effective dose. Collective dose. Units. Irradiation and contamination. Radiological protection Bases and objectives. Justification of practises. Optimisation. Dose limits for workers and public. Intervention levels. Occupational exposure monitoring. External radiation monitoring. Internal contamination monitoring. External and internal irradiation. Occupational radiological protection. Accidents with radioactive sources Planning for minimising effects and consequences. Emergency procedures. Actions to be taken. Most frequent accidents and incidents. Radioprotection technology Shields. Exposure time. Distance. Dose evaluation. Designing shields. Protection equipment. Ventilation. Well logging Well logging. Electric logs: spontaneous potential and resistivity. Radioactive logs: gamma ray, gamma -gamma, neutron-gamma, neutron-neutron, neutron life-time. Magnetic resonance logging. Column distillation scanning. Gamma and neutron scanning. Tracers Definitions. Conditions. Tracer selections. Multi-well techniques. Interwell studies. Injection techniques. Temporal and volumetric responses. Basic response analysis. Breakthrough time and mean time. Pore volume swept. Injection water distribution. Single well techniques. Vertical flow measurement. Oil residual determination. Acidification. Cementation. Hydraulic fracture. Production profile. Nuclear industrial gauges Basic concepts. Design. Specifications. Radiation sources for industrial applications. Radiological safety. Shields, collimators and shatters. Maintenance. Procedures. NORM Antecedents. Contamination from formation water. Wells. Clusters. Tools. Scales. Mud. Radon gas. NORM in oil fields and distilleries. Installation monitoring. Water and airborne samples. Control and possibilities for transitory or definitive NORM storage. Legislation Basic regulations for radiological protection. Regulations for the safe transport of radioactive materials. Packages. Labelling. Limits for surface contamination. Decayed sources. Institutional and individual responsibility. Applying for licenses. Description The duration of the course is forty hours, including twenty for basic training and twenty for specific training. The course can be provided at the date and location that is convenient for each company (in Argentina or abroad). Each participant will be given an interactive CD with comprehensive technical information. Instructors The course is given by specialists widely experienced in industrial applications of radioisotopes who make part of NOLDOR staff and are IAEA(*) experts for assessment missions in many countries. (*) IAEA stands for International Atomic Energy Agency. H Home |