John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892 - 1973), "The Lord of the Rings"
author, wrote about the Middle Earth elves in
several of his epic stories.
Among them, the Noldor
were the ones who most looked for the technical perfection.
This permanent quest for knowledge allows them to
improve their skills mainly in cutting gems
being their higher achievement the creation of the most valuable,
beautiful and powerful jewels: the three silmarils. |
Let us read some quotations about the Noldor and their
lore and skills.
the Deep Elves, the second host of the Eldar on the
westward journey from Cuviénen, led by Finwë. The name meant "the Wise" (but
wise in the sense of possessing knowledge, not in the sense of possessing
sagacity, sound judgement).
Tolkien. The Silmarillion (Index, page 414)
... the
or Loremasters, were always vulnerable on the side of "science and
technology", as we should call it : they wanted to have the knowledge...
Tolkien. Unfinished tales (page 266)
It is told that even as Varda ended her labours, and
they were long, when first Menelmacar strode up the sky and the blue fire
of Helluin flickered in the mists above the borders of the world, in that
hour the Children of the Earth awoke, the Firstborn of Ilúvatar
.... The Eldar prepared now a great march
from their first home in the east ... Next came the
a name of wisdom, the people of Finwë. They are the Deep Elves, the
friends of Aulë; and they are renowned in song for they fought and
laboured long and grievously in the northern lands of old.
J.R.R. Tolkien. The Silmarillion (pages
56 and 61)
were beloved of Aulë, and he and his people came often among them. Great
became their knowledge and their skill; yet even greater was their thirst
for more knowledge, and in many things they soon surpassed their teachers.
Tolkien. The Silmarillion (page 69)
Now the Three
Kindreds of the Eldar were gathered at last in Valinor... and the
advanced ever in knowledge and
Tolkien. The Silmarillion (page 73)
Then Fëanor began a long a
secret labour, and he summoned all his lore, and his power, and his subtle
skill; and at the end of all he made the
J.R.R. Tolkien.
The Silmarillion (page 78)
J. R. R.
He was born
in January 3rd 1892
in Bloemfontein, South Africa. After taking part in World War I,
in the Somme,
he started an academic career teaching
Anglo-Saxon and English language and literature in Oxford University.
However, he is better known as creator of Middle Earth and author of
a number of classic masterpieces about
topic, building a mythology
of his own. On that subject
his most popular
literary works
are The
Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion. Tolkien died on
September 2nd 1973.
Afterwards, his son gathered
a great deal of drafts,
drawings and manuscripts on
Middle Earth and published them. The main titles were The Book of the Lost Tales, Unfinished Tales and The
Shaping of Middle-Earth.
Noldor was founded on
June 30th 1995 with the main goal of assisting the industry in
all subjects concerning radioisotope applications. The fields included
were (and continue being) analysis and evaluation of industrial processes
using radiotracers and applications of sealed radioactive sources to
nuclear industrial gauges (nucleonic control systems). This domain
comprehends design, development, production, modification and maintenance
of nuclear instruments. Since its beginnings, other very important branch
in Noldor activities was measurements of natural radioactivity in oil
fields (NORM). Later a new line of work started: training in the area of
radiological safety as applied to nuclear gauges. These courses are
approved and accepted by Argentinean Nuclear Regulatory Authority.
The name Noldor and its logo are trade marks in
Argentina of Noldor S.R.L.