& petrochemical industries
As a general rule chemical and petrochemical industries are the
main users and beneficiaries of nuclear
technology. Radiotracer techniques are very competitive and widely used for diagnosis, troubleshooting and analysis of complex industrial systems. Leakages, blockages in pipelines, lost
of materials in industrial processes
and modifications of the streamlines in chemical reactors caused by
scales or any other problems are among the most frequent problems to be
worked out by means of radiotracers. Tracers
Tracer is a detectable substance added to a chemical, biological, physical or industrial
system by means of some injection or
labelling technique in order to study and evaluate the characteristics and
the dynamic behaviour of such a process. Radiotracer applications Leak detection and leak location are
the most widespread radiotracer applications in industrial plants. Any
undesirable interconnection between isolated parts of a same system or
between two different systems may be a leak. A
leak is suspected if there is any abnormal behaviour of a system such as
loss of pressure, contamination of product or loss of process efficiency. Detection of a leak, if any, is unambiguously achieved
by injecting a radiotracer into the suspected part and measuring for the
tracer in the part that should be isolated. Radiotracers are especially
useful when the leak is located in underground pipelines since in such
cases there is no needs of performing excavations. Flow rate measurement is also among the more frequent radiotracer applications in industry due to the good applicability of radiotracer techniques for convenient and accurate measurements and the lack of other competing methodologies. Its main application fields are flow meter calibration, pump efficiency evaluation and flow rate measurement in rivers, channels or drainages. Mass balance is another radiotracer
technique successfully applied for inventory of materials and for
evaluation of process efficiency in many branches of industry. The
dilution principle is the basis of this technique whose main application
is mercury inventory in electrolytic cells.